MAFF 2023 Race Update #3

This will MOST LIKELY be the third and final race update. Please read Race Updates #1 and #2 if you have not already done so at

Please read the details below carefully and look through all the materials on

Looking forward to the race:

All of us that have taken the reigns over the years of directing the races that are part of the Wisconsin Adventure Racing Series and USARA series absolutely love to see the growth of Adventure Racing in the midwest. We have so many dedicated teams (including Team Moose Planet, of course) that race, race, race, and race some more during the year. It’s amazing to see all of the new racers that come into adventure racing after doing a triathlon and realize they’ve been missing out all along.

So… with that said – the hundreds and hundreds of hours that go into planning, mapping, field checking, getting land approval, setting the course, and then race day… don’t happen without the absolutely incredible volunteers that make these races possible.

Please thank the volunteers as you see them throughout the day (HQ, transition areas, driving trailers around, and anywhere else).

We have officially been in the woods setting the course (yes, there was snow today), but the weather is looking positive for Friday night (18 hour race) and Saturday.

We truly appreciate all of you – as many of us will admit, it’s a labor of love!

Safety, Safety, Safety:

We are 100% committed to safety. What does that mean?

  • Helmets at all times on bikes
  • PFDs at all on times during the paddle
  • Bike only in the direction indicated on MTB trails
  • Do not bike on the Ice Age Trail. This is for hiking and foot traffic only. This is not just about safety – if you bike on the Ice Trail, you will be disqualified immediately.
  • We share the forest with hunters; be respectful, wear bright colors when possible
  • Dress appropriately (forecast looks good, but the day will start cold)
  • Bring a headlamp or flashlight for the morning (8 hour racers) and, for the 18 hour racers, bring appropriate lighting for the entire night

Registered Teams:

Please check out the registered teams at the bottom of the following page:

Please ensure you are in the correct race length and category.

Final Race Start Times:

Final race schedules were shared in Race Update #2.

If you are participating in the orienteering clinics, these will happen before mandatory pre-race meetings on the day of the race.

Pre-Race Meetings:

We will have pre-race meetings for all race lengths. Please ensure that you check-in with enough time to plan your day, review your race materials and maps, prep your gear, and to participate in these meetings. Please note that 8 hour and 18 hour race lengths include a breadth of maps (aerial, O-map, USGS topo) and your team will absolutely want to review your strategy and determine where your strengths will be during the course!

We will have a virtual pre-race meeting with Q&A on Thursday at 7pm via Microsoft Teams. The link was shared with team captains via a separate email. Please reach out if your captain did not receive.

Rules and Reminders:

We will discuss some final elements of VERY important rules in our pre-race meetings, but here are a few items that everyone must understand:

  • Trail passes MUST be purchased and carried. This is a key element of our permits, and these are required. Don’t take the “wait and see” approach.
  • At the bike drop (for 18 and 8 hour racers), there will be a specific location where your bikes are allowed. If your bikes are left outside of this area, they will be removed by us or the DNR.
  • We will be using parts of the Ice Age Trail in multiple areas of the race. Although signage exists, remember that NO bikes are allowed on the Ice Age Trail. Don’t walk your bike, ride your bike, or think about riding your bike. These are for foot use only for any orienteering. We will discuss these areas and specific maps in pre-race meetings.
  • Bikes are not allowed during the paddle. Don’t even think about it =)

Race HQ and Check-in:

This should be a reminder only. Race HQ is at Trecker Lodge in Lapham Peak State Park, Delafield, Wisconsin.
Please park in parking spots ONLY. There is overflow parking. Your car will be towed if you park in non-designated spots.

We’ll have popcorn popping during check-in.

Bike Drop (18 hour only):

The bike drop location for the 18-hour race is the John Muir Mountain Bike Trailhead.

Coordinates: 42.820059290497376, -88.60319034228357

There will be signage and a volunteer when the bike drop opens. Please do NOT arrive early. If your bike is not placed within the designated location, it will be removed by the DNR this year. The 18 hour bike drop opens at: 7:00pm

Bike Drop (8 hour only):

The bike drop location for the 8-hour race is the Emma Carlin Mountain Bike Trailhead.

Coordinates: 42.87069799844289, -88.54360155766416

There will be signage and a volunteer when the bike drop opens. Please do NOT arrive early. If your bike is not placed within the designated location, it will be removed by the DNR this year. The 8 hour bike drop opens at: 6:30am

Paddle Gear:

We shared details on paddle gear in Race Update #2. Please ensure that you place your paddle gear next to the sign corresponding to your race length. We have signs that specifically say “18 hour” and “8 hour” and “3 hour”. This gear is transported separately to the paddle location.

Paddle gear can consist of paddles, PFDs, and a bag or bin. Please ensure that your gear is labeled with your team information.

Remember – boats are included in your registration – you will find the paddle location in your race packets at check-in.

3 person teams will use ONE canoe. Please do not sit on the center cross-beams – this can cause damage to the boats.

Bike Locks:

We highly recommend bike locks – there will be transition areas or locations that you may leave your bike. Bring a bike lock for each bike or that can serve your entire team. This will be most important for 18 and 8 hour teams.

Race Embargo:

All locations are currently embargoed. This includes Lapham Peak State Park (Race HQ) and the Southern Kettle Moraine state forest and state parks.

If this is your first race, PLEASE read and re-read all materials and join our pre-race meeting.